Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 4 апреля, 2022 (изменено) Название: CGIM 2 Разработчик: Жора Цементов Платформа: Call of Pripyat, Clear Sky, Lost Alpha DC&E, OGSR Engine Дата выхода: 04.04.2022 Пак добавляет несколько полностью новых погодных циклов и создаёт в игре летнюю атмосферу. Спойлер 11 полностью новых циклов погоды, 2 реанимированных цикла от Vincent Vega, предназначенных для Lost Alpha DC, но которые остались недоделанными в ресурсах после его ухода, 3 цикла, основанные на стандартных текстурах неба, а также несколько подциклов с немного другими настройками; Более 300 новых текстур неба, основанных на панорамах реального неба; Реальный ход солнца; Немного отредактированные шейдеры, более мягкое освещение; Более летняя атмосфера по сравнению с оригинальной игрой. Спойлер Больше скриншотов - Ссылка Скриншоты сделаны вместе с модом Absolute Nature 4. Спойлер Спойлер Общая папка со всеми версиями, билдами, наработками - СсылкаCoP, CS, OGSR Engine 1. Установить в корневую папку текстуры из архива - Ссылка 2. Выбрать версию и установить в корневую папку: Call of Pripyat - Ссылка; Clear Sky - Ссылка; OGSR Engine - Ссылка; 3. Удалить папку shader_cache в папке пользователя; 4. Играть на DX10 или DX11.Lost Alpha DC & Lost Alpha DC Extended Необходимо найти в лаунчере канал Cementov и выбрать мод. Если он недоступен, то скачать по ссылке - Ссылка и добавить в папку mods эти файлы.Gunslinger Mod Необходимо найти в лаунчере и выбрать мод. Спойлер Q: Всё пересвечено/Затемнено/Выглядит иначе: A: Проверьте, удалена ли папка shader_cache и вписаны ли консольные команды. Q: Нашёл и удалил shader_cache, но в игре всё равно небо засвечено. A: Удалите ещё раз, далее в главном меню, не запуская игровой процесс, включите сглаживание MSAA 2x или 4x, затем перезаходим в игру и уже тогда загружаемся. Кеширование в движке работает очень странно. Можете попробовать скачать мою папку пользователя и проверить - Ссылка. Q: Как сделать точно такую же картинку, как на скриншотах? A: Сначала устанавливаете Absolute Nature 4 с пресетом Green на всех локациях, затем CGIM, следуя инструкции. Q: Адаптация к Absolute Nature 4 A: Просто устанавливаете сначала AN 4, затем CGIM, следуя инструкции. Q: Совместимость с SWTC/Atmosfear 3 A: На данный момент моды несовместимы. Q: Как работает на статическом освещении? A: На данный момент поддержки статического рендера нет, адаптации под него не проводилось. Спойлер Спасибо: EMS Team CrommCruac exDeMODER SamArt Vincent Vega Sawk Спойлер https://www.donationalerts.com/r/zhoracementov yoomoney - 4100117790834457 Изменено 26 июля, 2023 пользователем Жора Цементов 33 18 2 2 4 13 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pauk_200 440 Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2022 4 часа назад, Жора Цементов сказал: Не знаю, снеси CGIM и проверь. Не факт, что дело в погоде. Попробовал переустановить модификацию с патчем, удалил и юзер, и shader_cache, помогло... относительно. По крайней мере, этот момент проскочил, но уже в путепроводе вылетало при спавне монолитовцев, при переходе в Припять, в самом городе еще несколько раз, опять же, чаще при запуске тех или иных скриптовых моментов. Такое чувство, чем дальше, тем сильнее игра ломается: в первые 3-4 дня прохождения никаких проблем не возникало вообще, а затем помаленьку-потихоньку все больше и больше появлялось случайных зависаний, вылетов, к Припяти они до безобразия часто стали возникать. Тоже сомневаюсь, что дело конкретно в погоде, смотрится-то все крайне здорово, потом попробую оригинальный Ганс в этих моментах прогнать. Может, движок не справляется? Дополнено 10 минуты спустя В logs тут писанина следующая появилась, может с нее что-то узнать можно: Спойлер * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F15/M8/S2, 3394.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 * CPU threads: 12 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 43862 files cached 65 archives, 6525Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.609246 sec 'xrCore' build 3967, Dec 14 2009 EH: 3CAABCFCFF6F3A810019C6A72180F166 -----loading e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\system.ltx Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll refCount:m_pAdapter 1 Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll command line -no_staging Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [e:\ganc\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: 4676288 Loading DLL: xrGame.dll ~ GNSLWP: Build env: Delphi ~ GNSLWP: Base addresses of important modules: ~ GNSLWP: gunslinger_wpnpatch.dll - 0C430000 ~ GNSLWP: xrCore.dll - 01B60000 ~ GNSLWP: xrGame.dll - 0E990000 ~ GNSLWP: xrPhysics.dll - 0C3A0000 ~ GNSLWP: xrApi.dll - 01B30000 ~ GNSLWP: Config injections count = 0 ~ GNSLWP: RayPick initialized, rqres.vec_start = 06699AE0 ~ GNSLWP: Dll Injected! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * [win32]: free[3857000 K], reserved[219256 K], committed[117984 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[18353 K], process heap[8649 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[29154 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=E:\GANC\bin\ dir[1]=E:\GANC\ dir[2]=E:\GANC\bin\ dir[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Hardware devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] [e:\ganc\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1C03]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB * CREATE: DeviceREF: 4 * Texture memory: 3072 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' * HWDST/PCF supported and used - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. Starting engine... ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll ! Missing ogg-comment, file: e:\ganc\gamedata\sounds\video\ati_radeon_1920x1080.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: e:\ganc\gamedata\sounds\video\amd_fusion_final_720.ogg intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * [win32]: free[3541360 K], reserved[307172 K], committed[345708 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[64 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[104944 K], process heap[38635 K], game lua[2259 K], render[378 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[29430 K], smem[0 K] No new patches are available. ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$half_depth * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 113] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scope * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scopeui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_depth_minmax * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 0.0 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 0.0 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_laser * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube * 0.0 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube * 0.0 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 958] sky\sky_oblaka * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_dl_back * 0.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 0.0 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 0.0 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 8.1 : [ 1] san - quicksave * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_magnifier2 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 270.0 : [ 1] ui\video_voroni_crop * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 936.0 : [ 1] ui\video_water_crop * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common xrengine.exe -no_staging * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 127648 K Loading objects... Loading models... ! Can't find texture 'act\act_glass_universal' ! Fallback to default bump map: act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * [prefetch] time: 66848 ms * [prefetch] memory: 203549Kb ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * phase time: 66979 ms * phase cmem: 333788 K ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 333788 K * Loading spawn registry... * 6464 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 13465 objects are successfully loaded * Game san - quicksave is successfully loaded from file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' (1.001s) * phase time: 1000 ms * phase cmem: 382912 K * phase time: 51 ms * phase cmem: 382956 K * phase time: 11 ms * phase cmem: 382956 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 900 ms * phase cmem: 382993 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 382993 K * phase time: 3378 ms * phase cmem: 495074 K * phase time: 81 ms * phase cmem: 513437 K * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 47131 verts, 1472 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65512 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65515 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65481 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65488 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65512 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65432 verts, 2044 Kb * [Loading VB] 65497 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 54872 verts, 1714 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 11184 verts, 349 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 835392 indices, 1631 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 42486 verts, 497 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 355680 indices, 694 Kb * phase time: 132 ms * phase cmem: 513678 K * phase time: 58 ms * phase cmem: 522167 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 42883 v(20), 23058 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(837K), IB(135K) * phase time: 17 ms * phase cmem: 522175 K * Loading HOM: e:\ganc\gamedata\levels\pripyat\level.hom * phase time: 69 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * phase time: 16 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * t-report - base: 2228, 2555076 K * t-report - lmap: 18, 18434 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 5818 ms * phase cmem: 555662 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 555662 K * [win32]: free[2933840 K], reserved[306680 K], committed[953720 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2616878 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[555662 K], process heap[77067 K], game lua[40265 K], render[247 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46518 K], smem[224832 K] ! Unknown command: dump_infos intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 648413 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded * [win32]: free[2756864 K], reserved[356584 K], committed[1080792 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2714272 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[624413 K], process heap[89933 K], game lua[42327 K], render[1548 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[48762 K], smem[418780 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13453 objects are successfully saved * Game san - исследована «антенна».scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - исследована «антенна».scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2721484 K], reserved[334524 K], committed[1138232 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2716534 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[654205 K], process heap[93308 K], game lua[41240 K], render[8726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50499 K], smem[494426 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13457 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2710092 K], reserved[338556 K], committed[1145592 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718089 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[657306 K], process heap[95563 K], game lua[37754 K], render[9183 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[49607 K], smem[505211 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13422 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2709100 K], reserved[333820 K], committed[1151320 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718096 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[661114 K], process heap[96972 K], game lua[38950 K], render[9634 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50281 K], smem[534431 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13425 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2689868 K], reserved[343204 K], committed[1161168 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718381 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[667494 K], process heap[97461 K], game lua[41297 K], render[9675 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50020 K], smem[580801 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game san - найден Зулус.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - найден Зулус.scop' * [win32]: free[2689868 K], reserved[342944 K], committed[1161428 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718381 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[667499 K], process heap[97461 K], game lua[42462 K], render[9675 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50020 K], smem[580801 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2667916 K], reserved[351784 K], committed[1174540 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[675198 K], process heap[97736 K], game lua[52233 K], render[9717 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51458 K], smem[605198 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13442 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2664716 K], reserved[349804 K], committed[1179720 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[675323 K], process heap[97789 K], game lua[42021 K], render[9717 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50670 K], smem[605234 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2686336 K], reserved[324568 K], committed[1183336 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[679034 K], process heap[95898 K], game lua[59605 K], render[9725 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51463 K], smem[616471 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13422 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2685632 K], reserved[322412 K], committed[1186196 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721113 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[681444 K], process heap[95949 K], game lua[49251 K], render[9726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51529 K], smem[620210 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2679808 K], reserved[320688 K], committed[1193744 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721113 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[684730 K], process heap[96010 K], game lua[59261 K], render[9726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50897 K], smem[620429 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[335388 K], committed[1195236 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[683559 K], process heap[96166 K], game lua[61810 K], render[9735 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50891 K], smem[620485 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[335644 K], committed[1194980 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[683669 K], process heap[96156 K], game lua[55799 K], render[9735 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50992 K], smem[620849 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[332340 K], committed[1198284 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[684655 K], process heap[96520 K], game lua[62097 K], render[9748 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50997 K], smem[620895 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13462 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2653376 K], reserved[321932 K], committed[1218932 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[689145 K], process heap[98780 K], game lua[64005 K], render[11885 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51696 K], smem[671967 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13487 objects are successfully saved * Game san - переход из Припяти на Затон.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - переход из Припяти на Затон.scop' * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13487 objects are successfully saved * Game San - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - autosave.scop' - Disconnect ! ERROR: invalid bone xform . Bone disabled. ! ERROR: bone_id=[13], world_pos[150.965378,20.796785,-285.295746] visual name dynamics\weapons\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss object name pri_a17_gauss_rifle17674 - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$half_depth * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 113] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$scope * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scopeui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_depth_minmax * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 11] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ui * 0.1 : [ 1] gwr\fake_texture * 0.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g * 0.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.2 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump# * 1.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 2.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_laser * 2.8 : [ 1] act\act_glass_universal * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic_mine * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_electra_mine * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00#small * 3.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 3.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wpn\zero_alpha * 5.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 5.5 : [ 1] $blackalpha * 5.5 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 5.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_arrow * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_main * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night#small * 10.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 10.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 10.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 10.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_internals * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump# * 12.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_vint * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump# * 21.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 24.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00#small * 28.3 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mincer_meat * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mp_green * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3 * 42.8 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_food * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_elec_kran * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_speakerphone * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_fire_light * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 42.9 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam_green * 48.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler * 85.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_01 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli2 * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump# * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bike_wheel * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bottle_box * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump# * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 96.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 170.8 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 170.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_rat01 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 170.8 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_j03 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_guitar * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_notes * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_syringe * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_rust * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_iten4 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_mebel * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_gr * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik2 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70_blue * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail * 170.8 : [ 2] wpn\glock17_flash_laser * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer * 170.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 170.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\sights * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_3 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 341.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 341.5 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_antirad * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump# * 512.1 : [ 1] item\item_bread * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_custom * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_plot * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_red * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_bandage * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_3 * 682.8 : [ 2] item\item_detector_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_blue * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_red * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_white * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_yellow * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_hercules * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_water * 682.8 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 682.8 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_fire * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\insight_x2 * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\mini_klesh * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\p90_flashlight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgn * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\x5l_viridian * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_puh * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump# * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night * 854.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_contur * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_gauss * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_kashtan * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pn23 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pu * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_rakurs * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_susat * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_monsters_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_inventory_16 * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\lenses * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair * 1249.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda_loadscreen * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935 * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_1 * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_2 * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_3 * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 960] sky\sky_oblaka * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump# * 1536.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 1536.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 1536.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 1536.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube * 1536.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 1536.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube * 1557.3 : [ 1] ui\ui_deadpda * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_elcan * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1as * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1sn * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_weapons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 2730.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_kpk * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fort12 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\grach * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pmm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs * 2730.8 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_919 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\tt33 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\usp * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak101 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stec_apb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump# * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00 * 4080.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 4096.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_wpn_upgrades * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu * 5461.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_a * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00 * 8192.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump# * [ D3D ]: textures[2268650 K] * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] 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sky\clear2\19-00#small * 3.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 3.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 4.1 : [ 1] wpn\zero_alpha * 5.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 5.5 : [ 1] $blackalpha * 5.5 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 5.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_arrow * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_main * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night#small * 10.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 10.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 10.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 10.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_internals * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump# * 12.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_vint * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump# * 21.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 24.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00#small * 28.3 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mincer_meat * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mp_green * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3 * 42.8 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_food * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_elec_kran * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_speakerphone * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_fire_light * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 42.9 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam_green * 48.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler * 85.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_01 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli2 * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump# * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bike_wheel * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bottle_box * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump# * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 96.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 170.8 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 170.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_rat01 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 170.8 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_j03 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_guitar * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_notes * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_syringe * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_rust * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_iten4 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_mebel * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_gr * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik2 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70_blue * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail * 170.8 : [ 2] wpn\glock17_flash_laser * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer * 170.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 170.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\sights * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_3 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 341.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 341.5 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_antirad * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump# * 512.1 : [ 1] item\item_bread * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_custom * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_plot * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_red * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_bandage * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_3 * 682.8 : [ 2] item\item_detector_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_blue * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_red * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_white * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_yellow * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_hercules * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_water * 682.8 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_fire * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\insight_x2 * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\mini_klesh * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\p90_flashlight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgn * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\x5l_viridian * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_puh * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump# * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night * 854.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_contur * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_gauss * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_kashtan * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pn23 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pu * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_rakurs * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_susat * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\lenses * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair * 1249.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda_loadscreen * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935 * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_1 * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_2 * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_3 * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 960] sky\sky_oblaka * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump# * 1536.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 1536.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 1536.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 1536.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube * 1536.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 1536.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube * 1557.3 : [ 1] ui\ui_deadpda * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_elcan * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1as * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1sn * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_weapons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 2730.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_kpk * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fort12 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\grach * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pmm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs * 2730.8 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_919 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\tt33 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\usp * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak101 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stec_apb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump# * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00 * 4080.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 4096.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu * 5461.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_a * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00 * 8192.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump# xrengine.exe -no_staging ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * phase time: 166 ms * phase cmem: 493158 K ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 493158 K * Loading spawn registry... * 6464 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 13487 objects are successfully loaded * Game san - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - autosave.scop' (1.152s) * phase time: 1151 ms * phase cmem: 514604 K * phase time: 31 ms * phase cmem: 514616 K * phase time: 19 ms * phase cmem: 514616 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 890 ms * phase cmem: 514649 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 514649 K * phase time: 3712 ms * phase cmem: 638151 K * phase time: 92 ms * phase cmem: 655384 K * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 59802 verts, 1868 Kb * [Loading VB] 13494 verts, 421 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 61989 verts, 1937 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 17812 verts, 556 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 473529 indices, 924 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 40688 verts, 476 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 912324 indices, 1781 Kb * phase time: 161 ms * phase cmem: 655566 K * phase time: 89 ms * phase cmem: 663622 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K) * phase time: 21 ms * phase cmem: 663629 K * Loading HOM: e:\ganc\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom * phase time: 24 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * t-report - base: 2444, 2705994 K * t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 5128 ms * phase cmem: 707210 K * phase time: 11 ms * phase cmem: 707210 K * [win32]: free[2500720 K], reserved[329080 K], committed[1364440 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2763700 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[707137 K], process heap[93467 K], game lua[44251 K], render[11897 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46781 K], smem[244002 K] ! Unknown command: dump_infos intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 772870 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded * [win32]: free[2458696 K], reserved[319196 K], committed[1416348 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2802250 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[763617 K], process heap[95377 K], game lua[46704 K], render[12116 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50720 K], smem[713836 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13241 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2454108 K], reserved[347656 K], committed[1392476 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809251 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[754780 K], process heap[97152 K], game lua[49321 K], render[12823 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51094 K], smem[795800 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13151 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2449756 K], reserved[343184 K], committed[1401300 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757154 K], process heap[97741 K], game lua[67021 K], render[13328 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[52033 K], smem[849974 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13064 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2450204 K], reserved[341420 K], committed[1402616 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757794 K], process heap[97742 K], game lua[61271 K], render[13373 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[52010 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2450332 K], reserved[341540 K], committed[1402368 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757252 K], process heap[97706 K], game lua[62550 K], render[13380 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51875 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game san - выброс.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - выброс.scop' * [win32]: free[2450332 K], reserved[341244 K], committed[1402664 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[758942 K], process heap[97777 K], game lua[56169 K], render[13384 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51875 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' stack trace: Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2022 4 часа назад, pauk_200 сказал: Попробовал переустановить модификацию с патчем, удалил и юзер, и shader_cache, помогло... относительно. По крайней мере, этот момент проскочил, но уже в путепроводе вылетало при спавне монолитовцев, при переходе в Припять, в самом городе еще несколько раз, опять же, чаще при запуске тех или иных скриптовых моментов. Такое чувство, чем дальше, тем сильнее игра ломается: в первые 3-4 дня прохождения никаких проблем не возникало вообще, а затем помаленьку-потихоньку все больше и больше появлялось случайных зависаний, вылетов, к Припяти они до безобразия часто стали возникать. Тоже сомневаюсь, что дело конкретно в погоде, смотрится-то все крайне здорово, потом попробую оригинальный Ганс в этих моментах прогнать. Может, движок не справляется? Дополнено 10 минуты спустя В logs тут писанина следующая появилась, может с нее что-то узнать можно: спойлер (Показать контент) * Detected CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor [AuthenticAMD], F15/M8/S2, 3394.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc' * CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, MONITOR/MWAIT, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 * CPU threads: 12 Initializing File System... using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx FS: 43862 files cached 65 archives, 6525Kb memory used. Init FileSystem 0.609246 sec 'xrCore' build 3967, Dec 14 2009 EH: 3CAABCFCFF6F3A810019C6A72180F166 -----loading e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\system.ltx -----loading e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\system.ltx Initializing Engine... Starting INPUT device... Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll refCount:m_pAdapter 1 Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll command line -no_staging Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [e:\ganc\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. Loading DLL: 4676288 Loading DLL: xrGame.dll ~ GNSLWP: Build env: Delphi ~ GNSLWP: Base addresses of important modules: ~ GNSLWP: gunslinger_wpnpatch.dll - 0C430000 ~ GNSLWP: xrCore.dll - 01B60000 ~ GNSLWP: xrGame.dll - 0E990000 ~ GNSLWP: xrPhysics.dll - 0C3A0000 ~ GNSLWP: xrApi.dll - 01B30000 ~ GNSLWP: Config injections count = 0 ~ GNSLWP: RayPick initialized, rqres.vec_start = 06699AE0 ~ GNSLWP: Dll Injected! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * [win32]: free[3857000 K], reserved[219256 K], committed[117984 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[0 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[18353 K], process heap[8649 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[29154 K], smem[0 K] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present dir[0]=E:\GANC\bin\ dir[1]=E:\GANC\ dir[2]=E:\GANC\bin\ dir[3]=C:\WINDOWS\system32\ CleanDeviceSpecifierList CleanDeviceSpecifierList Generic Hardware devices Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Hardware SOUND: OpenAL: default SndDevice name set to Generic Software SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: 1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no] Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "user.ltx"... Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded. Executing config-script "e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"... [e:\ganc\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] ~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight' ~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000] [e:\ganc\userdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded. SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software * sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent * sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl Starting RENDER device... * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1C03]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB * CREATE: DeviceREF: 4 * Texture memory: 3072 M * GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40) * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24 * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. * DVB created: 1536K * DIB created: 512K ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' * HWDST/PCF supported and used - r__tf_aniso 16 - r2_tf_mipbias 0. Starting engine... ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll ! Missing ogg-comment, file: e:\ganc\gamedata\sounds\video\ati_radeon_1920x1080.ogg ! Missing ogg-comment, file: e:\ganc\gamedata\sounds\video\amd_fusion_final_720.ogg intro_start intro_logo intro_delete ::update_logo_intro ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * [win32]: free[3541360 K], reserved[307172 K], committed[345708 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[64 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[104944 K], process heap[38635 K], game lua[2259 K], render[378 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[29430 K], smem[0 K] No new patches are available. ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$half_depth * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 113] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scope * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scopeui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_depth_minmax * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$ui * 0.0 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 0.0 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 0.0 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 0.0 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 0.0 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 0.0 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 0.0 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_laser * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 0.0 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 0.0 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 0.0 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 0.0 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 0.0 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 0.0 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 0.0 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 0.0 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 0.0 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 0.0 : [ 10] 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* 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 0.0 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 0.0 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 0.0 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 0.0 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 0.0 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 0.0 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 0.0 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 0.0 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 0.0 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 0.0 : [ 2] 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1] ui\ui_magnifier2 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 270.0 : [ 1] ui\video_voroni_crop * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 936.0 : [ 1] ui\video_water_crop * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_main_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_background * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_widescreen_sidepanels * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common xrengine.exe -no_staging * phase time: 0 ms * phase cmem: 127648 K Loading objects... Loading models... ! Can't find texture 'act\act_glass_universal' ! Fallback to default bump map: act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * [prefetch] time: 66848 ms * [prefetch] memory: 203549Kb ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * phase time: 66979 ms * phase cmem: 333788 K ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * phase time: 5 ms * phase cmem: 333788 K * Loading spawn registry... * 6464 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 13465 objects are successfully loaded * Game san - quicksave is successfully loaded from file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' (1.001s) * phase time: 1000 ms * phase cmem: 382912 K * phase time: 51 ms * phase cmem: 382956 K * phase time: 11 ms * phase cmem: 382956 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 900 ms * phase cmem: 382993 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 382993 K * phase time: 3378 ms * phase cmem: 495074 K * phase time: 81 ms * phase cmem: 513437 K * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 47131 verts, 1472 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65519 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65512 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65515 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65481 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65488 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65512 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65432 verts, 2044 Kb * [Loading VB] 65497 verts, 2046 Kb * [Loading VB] 54872 verts, 1714 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 11184 verts, 349 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 835392 indices, 1631 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 42486 verts, 497 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 355680 indices, 694 Kb * phase time: 132 ms * phase cmem: 513678 K * phase time: 58 ms * phase cmem: 522167 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 42883 v(20), 23058 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(837K), IB(135K) * phase time: 17 ms * phase cmem: 522175 K * Loading HOM: e:\ganc\gamedata\levels\pripyat\level.hom * phase time: 69 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * phase time: 6 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * phase time: 16 ms * phase cmem: 523350 K * t-report - base: 2228, 2555076 K * t-report - lmap: 18, 18434 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 5818 ms * phase cmem: 555662 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 555662 K * [win32]: free[2933840 K], reserved[306680 K], committed[953720 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2616878 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[555662 K], process heap[77067 K], game lua[40265 K], render[247 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46518 K], smem[224832 K] ! Unknown command: dump_infos intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 648413 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded * [win32]: free[2756864 K], reserved[356584 K], committed[1080792 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2714272 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[624413 K], process heap[89933 K], game lua[42327 K], render[1548 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[48762 K], smem[418780 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13453 objects are successfully saved * Game san - исследована «антенна».scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - исследована «антенна».scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2721484 K], reserved[334524 K], committed[1138232 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2716534 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[654205 K], process heap[93308 K], game lua[41240 K], render[8726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50499 K], smem[494426 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13457 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2710092 K], reserved[338556 K], committed[1145592 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718089 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[657306 K], process heap[95563 K], game lua[37754 K], render[9183 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[49607 K], smem[505211 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13422 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2709100 K], reserved[333820 K], committed[1151320 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718096 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[661114 K], process heap[96972 K], game lua[38950 K], render[9634 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50281 K], smem[534431 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13425 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2689868 K], reserved[343204 K], committed[1161168 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718381 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[667494 K], process heap[97461 K], game lua[41297 K], render[9675 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50020 K], smem[580801 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game san - найден Зулус.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - найден Зулус.scop' * [win32]: free[2689868 K], reserved[342944 K], committed[1161428 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2718381 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[667499 K], process heap[97461 K], game lua[42462 K], render[9675 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50020 K], smem[580801 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2667916 K], reserved[351784 K], committed[1174540 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[675198 K], process heap[97736 K], game lua[52233 K], render[9717 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51458 K], smem[605198 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13442 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2664716 K], reserved[349804 K], committed[1179720 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[675323 K], process heap[97789 K], game lua[42021 K], render[9717 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50670 K], smem[605234 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13446 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2686336 K], reserved[324568 K], committed[1183336 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2719235 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[679034 K], process heap[95898 K], game lua[59605 K], render[9725 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51463 K], smem[616471 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13422 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2685632 K], reserved[322412 K], committed[1186196 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721113 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[681444 K], process heap[95949 K], game lua[49251 K], render[9726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51529 K], smem[620210 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2679808 K], reserved[320688 K], committed[1193744 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721113 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[684730 K], process heap[96010 K], game lua[59261 K], render[9726 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50897 K], smem[620429 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[335388 K], committed[1195236 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[683559 K], process heap[96166 K], game lua[61810 K], render[9735 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50891 K], smem[620485 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[335644 K], committed[1194980 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[683669 K], process heap[96156 K], game lua[55799 K], render[9735 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50992 K], smem[620849 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13421 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2663616 K], reserved[332340 K], committed[1198284 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[684655 K], process heap[96520 K], game lua[62097 K], render[9748 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50997 K], smem[620895 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13462 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2653376 K], reserved[321932 K], committed[1218932 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2721120 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[689145 K], process heap[98780 K], game lua[64005 K], render[11885 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51696 K], smem[671967 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13487 objects are successfully saved * Game san - переход из Припяти на Затон.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - переход из Припяти на Затон.scop' * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13487 objects are successfully saved * Game San - autosave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - autosave.scop' - Disconnect ! ERROR: invalid bone xform . Bone disabled. ! ERROR: bone_id=[13], world_pos[150.965378,20.796785,-285.295746] visual name dynamics\weapons\wpn_gauss\wpn_gauss object name pri_a17_gauss_rifle17674 - Destroying level * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_pressure * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$Texture_tempscalar * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_tempvector * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$Texture_velocity0 * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$Texture_velocity1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$accum * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$accum_temp * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$albedo * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$bloom1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$bloom2 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap0 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$cmap1 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$edgeTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$env_s1 * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$generic * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$generic0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$generic0_r * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$generic1 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic1_r * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$generic2 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$half_depth * 0.0 : [ 4] $user$jitter_0 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_3 * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$jitter_4 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$jitter_mipped * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$lum_t64 * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$lum_t8 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_1 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_2 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$luminance_3 * 0.0 : [ 9] $user$material * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$msaadepth * 0.0 : [ 113] $user$position * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$rayCastTex * 0.0 : [ 6] $user$rayDataTex * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$rayDataTexSmall * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$scope * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$scopeui * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky0 * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$sky1 * 0.0 : [ 10] $user$smap_depth * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_depth_minmax * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$smap_surf * 0.0 : [ 11] $user$tonemap * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$tonemap_src * 0.0 : [ 2] $user$ui * 0.1 : [ 1] gwr\fake_texture * 0.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g * 0.2 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_g_red2 * 0.2 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump# * 1.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_flare1 * 2.1 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_laser * 2.8 : [ 1] act\act_glass_universal * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_acidic_mine * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_electra_mine * 3.1 : [ 1] grad\grad_radiation * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00#small * 3.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 3.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 4.1 : [ 1] ui\cursor * 4.1 : [ 1] wpn\zero_alpha * 5.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 5.5 : [ 1] $blackalpha * 5.5 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 5.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_arrow * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_main * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night#small * 10.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 10.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 10.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 10.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_internals * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump# * 12.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 16.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_grid * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_vint * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump# * 21.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 24.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00#small * 28.3 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mincer_meat * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mp_green * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3 * 42.8 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_food * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_elec_kran * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_speakerphone * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_fire_light * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 42.9 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam_green * 48.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_grenade_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud_hit_mark * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler * 85.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_01 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli2 * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump# * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bike_wheel * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bottle_box * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump# * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 96.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 170.8 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 170.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_rat01 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 170.8 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_j03 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_guitar * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_notes * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_syringe * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_rust * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_iten4 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_mebel * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_gr * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik2 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70_blue * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail * 170.8 : [ 2] wpn\glock17_flash_laser * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer * 170.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 170.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\sights * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_3 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 341.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 341.5 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_antirad * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] map\map_labx8 * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump# * 512.1 : [ 1] item\item_bread * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_custom * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_plot * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_red * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_bandage * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_3 * 682.8 : [ 2] item\item_detector_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_blue * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_red * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_white * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_yellow * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_hercules * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_water * 682.8 : [ 1] ui\ui_global_map * 682.8 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_fire * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\insight_x2 * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\mini_klesh * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\p90_flashlight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgn * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\x5l_viridian * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_puh * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump# * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night * 854.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_contur * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_gauss * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_kashtan * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pn23 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pu * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_rakurs * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_susat * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_achivments * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_dialog_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_monsters_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_mp_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_newsmanager_icons * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_pda * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_portrets * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_inventory_16 * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\lenses * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair * 1249.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda_loadscreen * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935 * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_1 * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_2 * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_3 * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter_underground * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 960] sky\sky_oblaka * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump# * 1536.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 1536.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 1536.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 1536.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube * 1536.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 1536.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube * 1557.3 : [ 1] ui\ui_deadpda * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_elcan * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1as * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1sn * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_weapons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 2730.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_kpk * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fort12 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\grach * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pmm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs * 2730.8 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_919 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\tt33 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\usp * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak101 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stec_apb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump# * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00 * 4080.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 4096.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_gunsl_wpn_upgrades * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_hud * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_ingame2_common * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2 * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda2_noice * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu * 5461.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_a * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_jupiter * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_pripyat * 5461.5 : [ 1] map\map_zaton * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00 * 8192.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump# * [ D3D ]: textures[2268650 K] * 0.0 : [ 4] $null * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$NVHHGGTex * 0.0 : [ 5] $user$NVjitterTex * 0.0 : [ 8] $user$Texture_color * 0.0 : [ 1] $user$Texture_color_out * 0.0 : [ 7] $user$Texture_obstacles * 0.0 : [ 3] $user$Texture_obstvelocity * 0.0 : [ 3] 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sky\clear2\19-00#small * 3.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00#small * 3.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube#small * 3.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube#small * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight * 4.1 : [ 2] glow\glow_laser_sight_green * 4.1 : [ 1] wpn\zero_alpha * 5.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spark_01 * 5.5 : [ 1] $blackalpha * 5.5 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump# * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare2 * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_flare3 * 5.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient * 5.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_rise * 5.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange2 * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_arrow * 5.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_4_compass_main * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_asfalt_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_brick_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_concrete_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_ground_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thik_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_metall_thin_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_1 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_2 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_3 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_4 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_5 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_6 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_7 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_8 * 5.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_wood_9 * 5.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_provod_02 * 6.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00#small * 6.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20#small * 6.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9#small * 6.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night#small * 6.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube#small * 6.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night#small * 10.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_step_blood * 10.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_02 * 10.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02 * 10.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_internals * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump * 10.9 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01_bump# * 12.1 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_dist * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00#small * 12.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00#small * 16.1 : [ 2] internal\internal_fireTransferFunction * 16.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_rain * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flamefx_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_01 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_leaves_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash3 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_02 * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_synus * 21.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehmetaldebris_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_gradient1 * 21.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_rainsplash1 * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_sun * 21.5 : [ 2] fx\fx_volumefog1 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_04 * 21.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_fire1 * 21.5 : [ 1] veh\veh_mi24_vint * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_3 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_drop_4 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_grenade * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_dead * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood1 * 21.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_wood2 * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump * 21.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta_bump# * 21.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_shlang_01 * 21.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_galogen * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20#small * 24.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00#small * 24.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2#small * 24.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube#small * 24.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00#small * 24.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30#small * 24.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00#small * 24.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00#small * 24.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00#small * 28.3 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_anim_lightning * 32.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_arial_14_1600 * 33.0 : [ 1] ui\ui_ani_cursor * 42.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretedebris_01 * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mincer_meat * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_mp_green * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka2 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_myasorubka3 * 42.8 : [ 2] fx\fx_noise * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge * 42.8 : [ 1] item\item_food * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3 * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_elec_kran * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_fake_bed_fireplace * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_speakerphone * 42.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39 * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pkm_lenta * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor * 42.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_lampa_galogen * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur * 42.8 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_fur1 * 42.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_fire_light * 42.8 : [ 1] lights\lights_cone_handing_lamp * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_blood1 * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_metal * 42.8 : [ 1] wm\wm_knife_horiz_ston * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump * 42.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x45_bump# * 42.9 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01 * 42.9 : [ 1] fx\fx_lightning * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam * 42.9 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_laser_beam_green * 48.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_cube_weapons * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_console_02 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_01 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_16_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_18_1600 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_1 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_2 * 64.1 : [ 1] wm\wm_blood_3 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_21 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bubble_water * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist2inv * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist3 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist4 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist8 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist9 * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_teleport * 85.5 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_distort_anomaly * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_distortion * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flash_07 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gologramma * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_gradient1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_specks_poison * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_spikey_star * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_splash_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris1 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_stonedebris2 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_vehglassdebris_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_water_wave * 85.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_flame * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02 * 85.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_03 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_04 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_barrel_05 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2 * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler * 85.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_hit1 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_01 * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_glass_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli * 85.5 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_sopli2 * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4_bump# * 85.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_sun_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient * 85.5 : [ 1] fx\fx_thunderbolts_gradient_surge * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_ghost * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_orange_bright * 85.5 : [ 2] glow\glow_white * 85.5 : [ 1] glow\glow_yellow * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_calibrate_tools_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] item\item_explosive_charge_bump# * 85.5 : [ 3] lights\lights_spot01 * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_02_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bike_wheel * 85.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_bottle_box * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_box_3_bump# * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump * 85.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_teapot_1_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass01 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass02 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass03 * 85.5 : [ 1] wm\wm_bullet_glass04 * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_45acp_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_57x28_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_5x56_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_7-62x54_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x19_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_9x39_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_dtk_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump * 85.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_supressor_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump# * 85.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump# * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump * 85.6 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_kreplen_pod_01_bump# * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00#small * 96.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00#small * 96.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00#small * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_19_1600 * 128.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_22_1600 * 170.8 : [ 4] fx\fx_noise2 * 170.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_dist_glass3 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs2 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_sparks * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst * 170.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_rat01 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_ryukzak_black * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask * 170.8 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_j03 * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_guitar * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_medkit_3 * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_notes * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_syringe * 170.8 : [ 1] item\item_ustroystva * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_rust * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_bochka_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder * 170.8 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_lampa_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_bidon * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item2 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_item3 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_iten4 * 170.8 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_mebel * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ognetushit * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_vagon_gr * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik2 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6 * 170.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\ammo_12x70_blue * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail * 170.8 : [ 2] wpn\glock17_flash_laser * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips1 * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_woodchips3 * 170.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02 * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer * 170.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump# * 170.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_kotelna_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_metal_02_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] door\door_white_04_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] glas\glas_dirt * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump * 170.8 : [ 8] mtl\mtl_barrel_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells2 * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon1_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon2_bump# * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump * 170.8 : [ 2] prop\prop_ballon3_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_compensator_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_rail_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_lastochka_bump# * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump * 170.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_handler_bump# * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_32_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_hud_02 * 256.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_letter_25_1600 * 256.1 : [ 1] wpn\sights * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-smoke-01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_16 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_18 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_19 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_5 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_8 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_88 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_9 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_bloodsplash2 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_blurry_cloud * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_brick * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light3 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_light4 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_lightning_02 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ligth_6 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_plasma * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_skinsplash1 * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_a * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smoke_b * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_teleport * 341.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_test_textures * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_3 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_2 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_crow * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dog_red_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_brown_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_dogs_bulterer_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_poltergeyst_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_rat01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] act\act_ryukzak_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_antigas_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_head_mask_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] crete\crete_beton_plita_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_fabric_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1 * 341.5 : [ 6] detail\detail_metall_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_metall_det2 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3 * 341.5 : [ 4] detail\detail_metall_det3_bump * 341.5 : [ 10] detail\detail_skin_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_stucco_det1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_tile_det4 * 341.5 : [ 8] detail\detail_wood_det2 * 341.5 : [ 7] detail\detail_wood_det2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] door\door_white_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_altar_device_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_antirad * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_antirad_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_3_bump# * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump * 341.5 : [ 3] item\item_medkit_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] item\item_syringe_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] mtl\mtl_barrel_big_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_gilder_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_pod_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_railroad_items_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_01 * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_reshetka_pot_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_tubes3b_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_blind01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_dangerbox_2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1 * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_instrument_1_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_iten4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] prop\prop_kitchen_stuff_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_komp_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_plita_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] prop\prop_spade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_fence_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_jasik_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_plank6_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_table_01_bump# * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] wpn\ammo_12x70_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_rail_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_flash_laser_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_magazine_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\insight_x2_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_hexagon12_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_assault_handler_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_10rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_saiga12_5rnd_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_pm * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bolt_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_foregrip_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_stock_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_upgrade_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2 * 341.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_v2_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump * 341.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_truba_pod_02_bump# * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump * 341.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_silencer_bump# * 512.1 : [ 1] item\item_bread * 512.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_font_graff_50_1600 * 512.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo_custom * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_23 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_2_green * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_anomaly_7 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_concretepuffs_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_01 * 682.8 : [ 1] pfx\pfx_lighting_stancia_02 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_shells1 * 682.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_smokepuffs1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_burer * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_controller * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_himera * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_plot * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_pseudodog1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_green * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_suit_red * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_hero * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_merc_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_1 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_3 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_anabiotic * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_bandage * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_conserva * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_3 * 682.8 : [ 2] item\item_detector_4 * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_blue * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_red * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_white * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_drug_yellow * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_hercules * 682.8 : [ 1] item\item_water * 682.8 : [ 2] veh\veh_mi24_fire * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01 * 682.8 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\f1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\insight_x2 * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\mini_klesh * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\p90_flashlight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgn * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\rgo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_45 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_918smg * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_pbs4 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_sfn57 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_svd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aksu_foregrip * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ammo * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12 * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog * 682.8 : [ 2] wpn\x5l_viridian * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_mask_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_face_zombie_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_06 _bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_1_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_2_09_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_05_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_06_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_07_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_3_08_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_02_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_03_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_faces_4_04_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_puh * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_soldier_1_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_soldier_2_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u * 682.8 : [ 1] detail\detail_metall_det2_u_bump * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 9] detail\detail_metall_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v * 682.8 : [ 2] detail\detail_wood_det2_v_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] door\door_lift_01_bump# * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump * 682.8 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_angar_a_b_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\glock18_slide_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_base_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\p90_mag * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_60rnd_bump# * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump * 682.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_cover_bump# * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_11_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 5] sky\sky_12_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 12] sky\sky_13_vibros_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 9] sky\sky_18_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_19_cube_90 * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_1_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_1_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_20_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_21_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_25_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_26_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_27_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_28_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_29_cube * 768.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_2_clouds_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 16] sky\sky_3_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_3_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_4_cube * 768.1 : [ 3] sky\sky_5_cube_2 * 768.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_6_cube * 768.1 : [ 15] sky\sky_7_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_7_dx9_cube * 768.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_8_2_cube * 768.1 : [ 8] sky\sky_8_cube * 768.1 : [ 6] sky\sky_9_cube_night * 854.8 : [ 1] artifact\artifact_hell1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands * 1024.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x1 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_1pn93x4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_contur * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_gauss * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_kashtan * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pn23 * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pu * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_rakurs * 1024.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_susat * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_3 * 1024.1 : [ 1] fx\fx_moon_sky_factory_4 * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_hint_wnd * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_multiplayer_game_menu * 1024.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_sleep_screen * 1024.1 : [ 1] water\water_SBumpVolume * 1024.1 : [ 2] wpn\lenses * 1024.1 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_crosshair * 1249.6 : [ 1] ui\ui_pda_loadscreen * 1365.5 : [ 1] water\water_flowing_nmap * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935 * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_burer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_controller_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_himera_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_1 * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 6] act\act_krovosos_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_2 * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_krovosos_3 * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_mutant_boar_u * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_mutant_boar_u_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_plot_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_pseudodog1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_psevdogigant_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_scientist_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_scientist_suit_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_bandit_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_bandit_3a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] act\act_stalker_dolg_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_dolg_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 7] act\act_stalker_dolg_4_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_freedom_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump * 1365.5 : [ 3] act\act_stalker_hero_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_monolith_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_neutral_2_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_exo_computer_glass_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] crete\crete_beton_lom_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bandage_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_bread_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_conserva_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump * 1365.5 : [ 4] item\item_drug_yellow_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_energy_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_hercules_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_vodka_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] item\item_water_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] mtl\mtl_rja_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 960] sky\sky_oblaka * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_board_01_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump * 1365.5 : [ 2] wood\wood_walls8_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\f1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_body_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\flashbang_fuse_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\glock17_frame_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\lenses_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\mini_klesh_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_flashlight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\p90_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgd5_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgn_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\rgo_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_556_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_tgpa_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_anpeq16a_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_flashassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gp25_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_handguard_rail_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_stock_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ak74_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_kcb_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_l3a1_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_nsak_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_knife_ots04_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_ironsight_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_picatiny_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_tac_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_laserassault_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m433hedp_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_30rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_backelite_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_45rnd_black_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x45_60rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_5x56_40rnd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_mag_mp5sd_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_scope_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg-7_grenade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_saiga12_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_eotech_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin_silencer_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_upgrade_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_tactical_handler_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_upgrade * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vog_bump# * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump * 1365.5 : [ 1] wpn\x5l_viridian_bump# * 1536.1 : [ 7] sky\alpha_r2\sky_17_cube_mirrorh * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\alpha_r2\sky_1_cube * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_20_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 2] sky\alpha_r2\sky_22_cube_rot180 * 1536.1 : [ 42] sky\sky_13_cube * 1536.1 : [ 34] sky\sky_13_cube_night * 1536.1 : [ 10] sky\sky_14_cube * 1536.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_17_cube * 1536.1 : [ 13] sky\sky_19_cube * 1536.1 : [ 32] sky\sky_5_cube * 1536.1 : [ 55] sky\sky_9_cube * 1557.3 : [ 1] ui\ui_deadpda * 2048.1 : [ 1] act\metro_sviter * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_elcan * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1as * 2048.1 : [ 1] crosshair\crosshair_pso1sn * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_actor_weapons * 2048.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_icon_equipment * 2730.8 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_gasmask * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] act\act_stalker_nebo_3 * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_detector_b * 2730.8 : [ 1] item\item_kpk * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\deagle * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\fort12 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\grach * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\pmm * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs * 2730.8 : [ 2] wpn\silencer_919 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\tt33 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\usp * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\walther_p99 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak101 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ak74m * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stec_apb * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_stechkin * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66 * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\browning1935_bump# * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump * 2730.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_cobra_bump# * 3072.1 : [ 12] sky\alpha_r2\sky_14_cube_mirrorh * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\clear2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear2\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\clear\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\04-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\08-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\13-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\00-00-2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\05-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\06-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\07-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\09-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\14-24_c * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\00-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\03-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\11-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\12-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\20-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\21-00 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\cloudy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\22-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\dark\swtc_dark_01 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_03 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_04dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_05dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_06dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_07dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_08dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_09dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 14] sky\dark\swtc_dark_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_12 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_14 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_15 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_16 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\dark\swtc_dark_17 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_18 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_19 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_20 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_21 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\dark\swtc_dark_22 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\dark\swtc_dark_23 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_1 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_10dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_11dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_13 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_19_2 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_20 * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_21 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_22 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_23 * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_7dx9 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\01-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\02-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\10-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\15-00 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\16-00 * 3072.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\17-00 * 3072.1 : [ 10] sky\foggy\18-00 * 3072.1 : [ 7] sky\foggy\19-00 * 3072.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\21-30 * 3072.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\23-00 * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\sky_10_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_30_cube * 3072.1 : [ 1] sky\sky_31_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_32_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_33_cube * 3072.1 : [ 2] sky\sky_36_cube * 3072.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\20-00 * 4080.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\12-00 * 4096.1 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves * 4096.1 : [ 1] item\item_energy * 4096.1 : [ 1] ui\ui_common * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02-b-a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-explosion-02a * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_ani-fire01 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_2 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_4 * 5461.5 : [ 2] pfx\pfx_explotions_smoke * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7 * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu * 5461.5 : [ 2] item\item_detector_a * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] item\item_kpk_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\beretta92fs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\colt1911a1_freefall_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\deagle_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fiveseven_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\fort12_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\grach_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\gsh18_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pb_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\pmm_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_pu_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\scope_rakurs_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\silencer_919_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\sr1m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\tt33_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\usp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_ak74m_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_aks74u_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_an94_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_binokl_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_bizon_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_comp_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_hkmp5_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l123a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_l85a2_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_m203_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_addons_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_ots14_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_p220r_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x1_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_1pn93x4_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_aimpoint_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_elcan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_kashtan_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pgo7v_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pka_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pn23_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1as_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_pso1sn_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_scope_susat_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg550_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_sg552_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump * 5461.5 : [ 2] wpn\wpn_stechkin_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svd_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz34_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_toz66_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_val_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump * 5461.5 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_vintorez_bump# * 5461.5 : [ 1] detail\detail_beton_det4_u2_bump * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 1] sky\clear\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\clear\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\cloudy2\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\17-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\18-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\19-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy2\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\cloudy2\21-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\cloudy2\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\10-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\cloudy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\15-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\cloudy\16-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_0 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_12dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_14 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_15 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_17 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_18 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_3dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_5dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_6dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_8dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\etalon\swtc_etalon_9dx9 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 2] sky\foggy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\05-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\06-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\foggy\07-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\11-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\foggy\12-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\13-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\14-00 * 6144.1 : [ 3] sky\foggy\20-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\foggy\22-00 * 6144.1 : [ 8] sky\stormy\00-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\01-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\03-00 * 6144.1 : [ 6] sky\stormy\04-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\04-30 * 6144.1 : [ 12] sky\stormy\08-00 * 6144.1 : [ 10] sky\stormy\09-00 * 6144.1 : [ 4] sky\stormy\10-00 * 8192.1 : [ 1] act\cod_bo2_sviter_hands_bump * 9902.3 : [ 1] water\water_normal * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] act\cod_ghosts_fed_gloves_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_gauss_rifle_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_rpg_7_bump# * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump * 10922.8 : [ 1] wpn\wpn_svu_bump# xrengine.exe -no_staging ! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-COP\ in registry ! Player name registry key (InstallUserName) not found ! * phase time: 166 ms * phase cmem: 493158 K ~ GNSLWP: Saved game status: 1 ~ GNSLWP: Info: guns_absolute_nature_4(guns_absolute_nature_4), "23.02.2022"("23.02.2022"), 0.1(0.1), 0000000082D5A9E4 * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 493158 K * Loading spawn registry... * 6464 spawn points are successfully loaded * Loading objects... * 13487 objects are successfully loaded * Game san - autosave is successfully loaded from file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - autosave.scop' (1.152s) * phase time: 1151 ms * phase cmem: 514604 K * phase time: 31 ms * phase cmem: 514616 K * phase time: 19 ms * phase cmem: 514616 K * WARNING: player not logged in * client : connection accepted - <All Ok> * phase time: 890 ms * phase cmem: 514649 K * phase time: 8 ms * phase cmem: 514649 K * phase time: 3712 ms * phase cmem: 638151 K * phase time: 92 ms * phase cmem: 655384 K * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 59802 verts, 1868 Kb * [Loading VB] 13494 verts, 421 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 61989 verts, 1937 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb * [Loading VB] 17812 verts, 556 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 473529 indices, 924 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb * [Loading VB] 40688 verts, 476 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb * [Loading IB] 912324 indices, 1781 Kb * phase time: 161 ms * phase cmem: 655566 K * phase time: 89 ms * phase cmem: 663622 K * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61) * [DETAILS] 40199 v(20), 21716 p * [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(785K), IB(127K) * phase time: 21 ms * phase cmem: 663629 K * Loading HOM: e:\ganc\gamedata\levels\zaton\level.hom * phase time: 24 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * phase time: 10 ms * phase cmem: 663881 K * t-report - base: 2444, 2705994 K * t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K * WARNING: player not logged in * phase time: 5128 ms * phase cmem: 707210 K * phase time: 11 ms * phase cmem: 707210 K * [win32]: free[2500720 K], reserved[329080 K], committed[1364440 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2763700 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[707137 K], process heap[93467 K], game lua[44251 K], render[11897 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[46781 K], smem[244002 K] ! Unknown command: dump_infos intro_start game_loaded * MEMORY USAGE: 772870 K * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] intro_delete ::update_game_loaded * [win32]: free[2458696 K], reserved[319196 K], committed[1416348 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2802250 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[763617 K], process heap[95377 K], game lua[46704 K], render[12116 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[50720 K], smem[713836 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13241 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2454108 K], reserved[347656 K], committed[1392476 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809251 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[754780 K], process heap[97152 K], game lua[49321 K], render[12823 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51094 K], smem[795800 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13151 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_idle ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2449756 K], reserved[343184 K], committed[1401300 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757154 K], process heap[97741 K], game lua[67021 K], render[13328 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[52033 K], smem[849974 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13064 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' * [win32]: free[2450204 K], reserved[341420 K], committed[1402616 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757794 K], process heap[97742 K], game lua[61271 K], render[13373 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[52010 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw ~ GNSLWP: throw select, cur anim is anm_throw_begin ~ GNSLWP: anm_throw * [win32]: free[2450332 K], reserved[341540 K], committed[1402368 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[757252 K], process heap[97706 K], game lua[62550 K], render[13380 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51875 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game san - выброс.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - выброс.scop' * [win32]: free[2450332 K], reserved[341244 K], committed[1402664 K] * [ D3D ]: textures[2809256 K] * [x-ray]: crt heap[758942 K], process heap[97777 K], game lua[56169 K], render[13384 K] * [x-ray]: economy: strings[51875 K], smem[850346 K] * Saving spawns... * Saving objects... * 13062 objects are successfully saved * Game San - quicksave.scop is successfully saved to file 'e:\ganc\userdata\savedgames\san - quicksave.scop' stack trace: Да по памяти это наверно вылеты. Описание точь-в-точь. Я уж тут ничего поделать не могу. Надо использовать кастомные движки, где есть соответствующие правки. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DED_TOIVO 2 Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2022 Выглядит неплохо Спойлер 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pauk_200 440 Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2022 22 часа назад, DED_TOIVO сказал: Выглядит неплохо Чем особенно хороша модификация: выглядит она как минимум неплохо при любом погодном цикле и времени суток, в отличии от большинства графических модификаций, которые затачиваются только под определенные стилистические решения и моменты времени. К примеру, тот же SOC Update отличнейше смотрится в подземках, а в солнечную погоду глаза отваливаются. Также отсутствует другой бич большинства графических модов - перманентная темнота, когда даже днем приходится частенько включать фонарик при заходе в любое помещение. Здесь он необходим крайне редко, при этом сама картинка не пересвечена и в то же время насыщена, чего увидишь еще реже. 3 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yoda 2 Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2022 Шикарный погодный мод, единственный недостаток, на мой счет, это то, что текстуры скайбоксов очень резко обрываются, например в том же атмосфире мы видим на фоне( если залезли высоко там например, или просто банально гуляем по локации) горы, ЧАЭС. А тут резко все обрывается 1 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 16 апреля, 2022 (изменено) Версия для Lost Alpha DC доступна для скачивания! Скачать можно в лаунчере в канале cementov, как и первую версию. Она тоже останется доступной для скачивания. Спойлер Новая версия несовместима со старой, в том числе и сохранения, но можно переключаться между расширенной погодой(или встроенной в Extended версию) и CGIM 2. Новая игра больше не требуется. Как я понял, сейчас есть неполадки с лаунчером, поэтому залил отдельно - Ссылка Обновления буду дублировать туда в том числе. Но только перезаливом. Спойлер Больше скриншотов - Ссылка Изменено 16 апреля, 2022 пользователем Жора Цементов 5 1 1 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pauk_200 440 Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2022 21 час назад, Жора Цементов сказал: Версия для Lost Alpha DC доступна для скачивания! Поставил через лаунчер CGIM 2 на LA DC, ту, что не расширенная, но явно что-то пошло не так: Спойлер https://ibb.co/nCL4rfS https://ibb.co/B6GJwZm https://ibb.co/T84vMd0 Первая версия работает без проблем, таких артефактов не выдает. В чем же дело? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2022 1 час назад, pauk_200 сказал: Поставил через лаунчер CGIM 2 на LA DC, ту, что не расширенная, но явно что-то пошло не так: примеры (Скрыть контент) https://ibb.co/nCL4rfS https://ibb.co/B6GJwZm https://ibb.co/T84vMd0 Первая версия работает без проблем, таких артефактов не выдает. В чем же дело? Да, странный баг. Можешь скинуть лог и твой юзер? 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
pauk_200 440 Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2022 50 минут назад, Жора Цементов сказал: Да, странный баг. Можешь скинуть лог и твой юзер? Да все оригинальное, с только-только установленной игры. Сам такого ранее нигде не встречал ни в обычной LA, ни в старом CGIM: https://dropmefiles.com/4IZ0u Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2022 22 минуты назад, pauk_200 сказал: Да все оригинальное, с только-только установленной игры. Сам такого ранее нигде не встречал ни в обычной LA, ни в старом CGIM: https://dropmefiles.com/4IZ0u r2_tonemap_amount 0.7 1 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Yoda 2 Опубликовано 17 апреля, 2022 4 часа назад, Жора Цементов сказал: r2_tonemap_amount 0.7 Спасибо! Теперь все нормально работает, был такой же баг как и выше Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Vergil 1 Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2022 (изменено) Здравствуйте. Поставил погоду CGIM2, игра стала вылетать на моменте "Синхронизация игровых объектов". Вылетает без вывода ошибок. Игра - Lost Alpha DC Extended. CGIM2 качал в лаунчере. Иногда вылетает на моменте "Создание игры" Файл user удалял, вылет происходит при Новой игре. xray_vergil.log Изменено 18 апреля, 2022 пользователем Vergil Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2022 2 часа назад, Vergil сказал: Здравствуйте. Поставил погоду CGIM2, игра стала вылетать на моменте "Синхронизация игровых объектов". Вылетает без вывода ошибок. Игра - Lost Alpha DC Extended. CGIM2 качал в лаунчере. Иногда вылетает на моменте "Создание игры" Файл user удалял, вылет происходит при Новой игре. xray_vergil.log 24 \u043a\u0411 · 2 загрузки Привет, отловил и вроде бы исправил ошибку. Обнови мод в лаунчере. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Vergil 1 Опубликовано 18 апреля, 2022 16 минут назад, Жора Цементов сказал: Привет, отловил и вроде бы исправил ошибку. Обнови мод в лаунчере. Спасибо большое. Пока заработало. P. S. Из личного наблюдения - по ощущениям при тех же настройках у CGIM, на версии 2 стало светлее, раньше приходилось на мониторе выкручивать яркость, а сейчас вроде и не требуется... ну или не так сильно. В общем хорошо, как по мне. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Hatter 0 Опубликовано 1 мая, 2022 Салют! Должен ли дружить с OGSM 1.8? (Экспериментировать не брался, в случае неудачи жалко сейвы) Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 1 мая, 2022 (изменено) 6 часов назад, Hatter сказал: Салют! Должен ли дружить с OGSM 1.8? (Экспериментировать не брался, в случае неудачи жалко сейвы) Привет, по идее достаточно в файл game_maps_single.ltx от CGIM прописать локацию Подземелья Припяти от OGSM. Дополнено 3 минуты спустя Потихоньку делаю патч с новым циклом погоды. Изменено 1 мая, 2022 пользователем Жора Цементов 2 2 1 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
AndroIDDQD 212 Опубликовано 2 мая, 2022 (изменено) @Жора Цементов, частенько в логе проскальзывает: ! error in stalker with visual actors\stalker_neutral\stalker_neutral_2 Причём ругается и на ванильные модели, которые в игровых архивах. Вылетов нет. Может из-за шейдеров твоих? До CGIM2, ни на ванильной погоде, ни на SWTC такого не было. Может подскажешь что? З.Ы. Движок "Forward Frontier" от @mortan Изменено 2 мая, 2022 пользователем AndroIDDQD Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
mortan 295 Опубликовано 2 мая, 2022 AndroIDDQD это не связано с работой графического пака, это из-за проблем с оружейными конфигами багуются анимации у нпс, в оригинале движок вылетал в таком случае, сейчас же просто ругается в лог. 1 1 Boomsticks & Sharpsticks: https://discord.gg/vThnFWrbaA Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
AndroIDDQD 212 Опубликовано 2 мая, 2022 10 минут назад, mortan сказал: из-за проблем с оружейными конфигами А что там за проблемы в конфигах могут быть? Почти всё оружие из STCoP. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
mortan 295 Опубликовано 3 мая, 2022 AndroIDDQD емнип - проблема с animation slot, в stcop как раз и была такая проблема поэтому фикс и появился. 1 Boomsticks & Sharpsticks: https://discord.gg/vThnFWrbaA Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 6 мая, 2022 @Ruwar, Привет! Надеюсь не отвлекаю)... Как тебе погода CGIM из этой темы?) Есть какие-то мысли? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Bowsette 2 067 Опубликовано 6 мая, 2022 11 минут назад, Жора Цементов сказал: @Ruwar, Привет! Надеюсь не отвлекаю)... Как тебе погода CGIM из этой темы?) Есть какие-то мысли? годная графонистая погода, надеюсь станет базой для многих других громких модов 1 Спойлер Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Lichador 226 Опубликовано 14 мая, 2022 В общем и целом, поиграл я в модификацию и могу сказать, что я её распробовал т.к. играл на максималках. Могу сказать, что это отличная замена уже баянистому атмосфиру. Но правда пока по адаптациям голяк. Я пробую адаптировать к stcop 3.4, но пока не особо получается. А так желаю удачи в развитии проекта. 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 15 мая, 2022 (изменено) Дополнено 10 минуты спустя Дополнено 30 минуты спустя Изменено 17 мая, 2022 пользователем Жора Цементов 2 2 2 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Жора Цементов 385 Опубликовано 19 мая, 2022 (изменено) del Изменено 20 июля, 2022 пользователем Жора Цементов 2 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты