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Найдено: 590 результатов

  1. Cyrax странно, что вы восприняли эту фразу как выпад, наоборот, зачем играть в тот мод, который вам не нравится, правильно? Игра должна приносить удовольствие. Дополнено 26 минуты спустя gibe I think you are looking in the wrong car.
  2. БЭТЭЭР обновите фикс. Дополнено 1 минуту спустя есть проводник на Юпитере, а точнее - в баре. Дополнено 2 минуты спустя gibe upgrades are just what you need to repair costumes.
  3. The point is not in 'trying' the product - as you noted, it's not there, there's hardly anything to 'try'. The point is to check out how various things are implemented - for some, with a view to build their mods later on. This is a game modding community, after all. Plus, I don't see how checking out this leak now could interfere with supporting the team when the game is released. If the team allows it, y'know.
  4. I read you, I didn't understand everything -of course- so please Мне нужен парацетамол... ... and just play "STALKER"
  5. vsevet Little Frenchman As we say in my part of the world, "desperate times call for desperate measures! I erased and cleaned everything, then installed a new system and a journey fix. everything works fine with the French translation. Thank you both for your help. I will continue to correct the errors and omissions.
  6. Another thing I noticed in the final section of the CNPP is that the low grounds of the level aren't irradiated like in vanilla and you can simply wonder about, even see parts of building with missing textures that you weren't supposed to see. For me even a few NPCs were there but that could be because of the modified distance switch 🤔
  7. Little Frenchman I've tested the Russian version and I'm having the same problem. - did I forget to do something -after reading the 2 messages and 3 pieces of information? -took the food - played with the rat :) - Do I have to do the missions in a specific order? Thank you
  8. Little Frenchman Thank you, but that doesn't solve my problem: I can't get out of the room. No matter where I go, I come back to this room.
  9. Opritchnik Hello. I'm in the process of adapting the French translation for this OGSR version. I'll let you know when it's finished.
  10. I was always wondering, would it be possible to have the online / offline switch distance for NPCs increased, at least in certain areas? For example in Cordon, every time you see either bandits or loners attack each other, it would reset their position if you go too far from the area (going back to the rookie village is enough for the reset to happen).
  11. gibe It's just an old but funny meme. I recommend watching the video, you will laugh.
  12. ASSASIN64 ?? Why do you have a problem with my questions? In my country it's blondes. They say a brunette is an "A.I."
  13. EvilGeniusRo Hi American! You can try to shoot down a helicopter using small arms. Shoot the tail. You will definitely get it, I am not in a shame! )) Дополнено 1 минуту спустя EvilGeniusRo Catch the plus to your reputation Дополнено 4 минуты спустя EvilGeniusRo thank you, kind American! you know it’s bad that you weren’t born Russian, we would have moved mountains together ))
  14. gibe I dont know what hangar are you talking about, send a screenshot?
  15. got it,i also can get some help from the walkthrough video at youtube, so kind of you
  16. The first thing to do is to enter the game settings in the main menu and check which keys are assigned to movement and other actions. I don't see any other reasons. I can't imagine how you would play this modification. It consists entirely of text clues in Russian, with slang and subtext being used. Plus there is a lot of voiced dialogue in Russian, which is not duplicated by the text.
  17. Hello I have just compared the new files : a lot of new things ! I will have to redo some of the translation, I hope the "surprises" are over. Thank you for your work
  18. Висяк при переходе с Затона на Свалку техники. 77 версия . [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[dialog_script_npc] --> [dialog_script_npc141728] try to add:[dialog_script_npc142240] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc116896] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc217412] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc144800] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc145824] [end] [start] You are trying to spawn two or more objects with the same story_id:[zat_skad_secret_npc1] --> [zat_skad_secret_npc145824] try to add:[zat_skad_secret_npc246339] [end]
  19. Mawrak Thank you very much my friend!!! Indeed I was not doing the right manoeuvre.